Inside Scoop on Vaccines

Inside Scoop on Vaccines

The Inside Scoop on Vaccines Here is just one inside scoop on vaccines. Unfortunately, we don’t find a lot of whistleblowers in the medical cartel because as you will read, they are just too scared to come forward for a variety of reasons including their health and safety from the government which is tied into … Read more

Debate with Del at Highwire

Debate with Del at Highwire

Debate with Del at Highwire Here is the debate with Del at Highwire and a pro-vaccine scientist. If you don’t know who Del Bigtree is, he used to be on the show called “The Doctors,” until he realized the medical system was corrupt and he wanted to do more research. He started his own show … Read more

Doctor Threatens

Doctor Threatens

Doctor Threatens What if your doctor threatens you with CPS when you question them, or you refuse to allow your child to be given toxic vaccine shots? Most parents will be very scared if a doctor or nurse threatens to call CPS and rightly so. This is not an uncommon practice with doctors who know … Read more

Symptoms from Vaccines

Symptoms from Vaccines

These are Symptoms from Vaccines. Story after story of people who have been injuried by vaccines or their babies and children were injuried.



What is the Truth About Vaccines? Are you concerned about giving your child vaccines? If you answered yes to this question about vaccines, you should be. Forcing Vaccines on Children As much as the corrupt mainstream medical community would like you to believe otherwise, vaccines are now considered VERY dangerous if you have read or … Read more