For people who approve of vaccines

Vaccine shotsThis questionnaire is for people who approve of vaccines.

Since you know that vaccines are very safe, you obviously know the answers to most of these questions.

I appreciate your help in educating my readers so we can hear your side of why vaccines are safe.

Please post your answers as a comment to this post.

Thank you for participating.

  1. What does Section 13.1 of the vaccine insert state?
  2. Has the vaccine been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility?
  3. What percentage of all sales do doctors get from the pharmaceutical companies when they give a vaccine to a patient?
  4. Name 5 vaccine ingredients.
  5. What is MRC-5?
  6. What is WI-38?
  7. What is vaccine court?
  8. What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
  9. What is the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
  10. How has the CDC schedule changed since 1986?
  11. How much money has been paid out by vaccine injury court?
  12. How many doses of how many vaccines are in the CDC schedule between birth and age 16?
  13. Do vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue?
  14. If so, which vaccines?
  15. And how many aborted babies were needed before they found one with the virus necessary to create the vaccine?
  16. Do any vaccines contain dog, monkey, pig, and human DNA?
  17. What is an adjuvant?
  18. What is an antigen?
  19. Which arm of the immune system do vaccines stimulate?
  20. Which arms of the immune system do natural diseases stimulate?
  21. What is transverse myelitis?
  22. What is encephalopathy?
  23. What is the rate of autism in 2017, what was it in 2000? What was it in 1990?
  24. What is glyphosate and is it in vaccines?
  25. If your child is injured, who will take physical, emotional, and financial responsibility?
  26. What was the Supreme Court’s statement on vaccines in 2011?
  27. Can you provide a study showing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated health outcomes?
  28. Can you show me a safety study proving it is safe to inject multiple vaccines?
  29. What is shedding?
  30. Do vaccines shed? Which vaccines can shed for up to 6 weeks?
  31. Which vaccines are live virus vaccines?
  32. What is the VICP?
  33. What is SV40?
  34. What is MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)?
  35. What is an acceptable amount of aluminum to ingest per day and how much is injected via the hep B vaccine on day one of life?
  36. Can someone who was vaccinated for pertussis still spread pertussis after being exposed to it?
  37. If so, for how long?
  38. What is the death rate from measles in the US from 2005-2015?
  39. What is the death rate from the MMR vaccine in the same time frame?
  40. What does attenuated mean?
  41. Where can we find information about vaccines?
  42. Are there vaccine consent forms?
  43. Can the vial stopper cause an allergic reaction?
  44. Can there be serious reactions to vaccines?
  45. What is NVIC?

So that’s it for now.

Again, I appreciate the answers given to us from the people and for people who approve of vaccines. We want to hear your side of things.

Be well

We Deserve Health


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