Health Remedies I Recommend for the flu

Healing When You Are SickHere are the Health Remedies I Recommend for the flu, or even if you have a cold.

Note: some of the links below are my affiliate links, others are just plain links. Almost everything I always recommend I’ve used before and that’s why I recommend it.

Using affiliate links doesn’t cost you anything. In fact, I even have some coupon codes for you. It helps me make some commission off of any purchase you may make. All help is greatly appreciated.

Here is a very interesting video on what the flu actually means and why some people get sick at the same time that you do. Link.

My List of Remedies I Recommend


  1. Sunshine and Fresh Air

    They won’t tell you that one of the best remedies for a cold or flu is fresh air and lots of sun.

    I know it’s hard because most people feel sick and don’t want to go outside, but it really does help.

  2. Oscillococcinum

    This is homeopathy – You can get it here which is where I bought it.

    This only works at the start of your illness which is why it’s a must-have in the house. I’ve used it for colds too and I’m amazed at how it works.

    You only need a few pills (in homeopathy more isn’t better) under your tongue until it dissolves on its own.

  3. Thyme

    Fresh organic Thyme in hot water – make it into a tea. Drink every hour.

  4. Vitamin C

    1,000 mg every hour.

    I take 2,000 every day even when not sick.

    I switched to a liquid as it’s easier to digest. Before I was taking the gelatin capsules 300 ct located here. You have to click on the buttons to tell the shopping cart which one you want.

    I now use this liquid Vitamin C.

    If you are really sick, I recommend going for intravenous (IV) Vitamin C.

    Just make sure the place you are going to is clean and knows what they are doing.

    Vitamin C has cured even some of the most deadly illnesses. You can watch this video and this one too.

  5. Lemon

    In a mug squeeze some organic lemon and add hot (not boiling) water and drink every 1-2 hours.

  6. Oil of oregano

    This is the brand I’ve been buying for a few years now.

    Put 2 drops in a gelatin cap (you can get them on Vitacost too) and drink lots of water. Don’t use for more than 2-3 weeks as it will harm your gut flora long term. Gelatin capsules dissolve better than vegetarian ones, but you can use vegetarian if you want.

  7. Ginger

    Make ginger into a tea. Put small slices or chunks of fresh organic ginger in water. Steep for long periods of time. Drink every hour.

  8. Garlic

    Instead of eating raw garlic, years ago I came across this better method I had forgotten about. Link.

  9. Traditional Medicinals Gypsy Cold Care

    Here’s this product.

    I personally don’t like this tea. It’s way too weak for me as an herbal tea, but others like it, so I’m including it in this remedies I recommend list.

  10. Elderberry Syrup

    Elderberry syrup is best to get it from someone who makes it organic, not from a store where it’s usually mixed with other ingredients. Someone who takes great care in making it. I have a woman who will ship to may countries, so if you want her info, just reach out to me.

  11. Epsom salts

    Take very hot Epsom salt baths every hour. Get high quality epsom salts.

  12. Colloidal Silver

    This is the brand I take.

    Usually, people take colloidal silver one tablespoon every hour or so.

    Yes it’s more expensive than others, but it’s better. He said his supplier disappeared and the only other supplier cost way  more, so his prices went up.

    Like the oil of oregano, you shouldn’t take it long term as it will get rid of the good flora in your gut.

  13. Probiotics and Prebiotics

    I’ve been taking this pre/probiotic set for a month now and it really works in healing my digestion. If your digestion is no good and most people’s aren’t, the rest of the body won’t function properly.

    It’s the first probiotic I’ve ever taken with a prebiotic (it’s a set) where I feel it working, and I’ve taken tons of different probiotics over the years. It works on fungi in your microbiome.

    Here’s a coupon code to get 15% off – WEDESERVEHEALTH

  14. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

    For chest congestion, get a high quality eucalyptus essential oil and diffuse it in a diffuser where there’s no water involved. Ultrasonic is for the water diffusers and the Atomizer is just for the oil.

    Or you can mix the eucalyptus essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut, almond, or grapeseed oil. Don’t use any of the toxic vegetable oils.

    Rub it on your chest and under your nose, although it’s best to breathe it in, and diffusing is the best option.

    I recommend Young Living’s essential oil line only because I’ve tried many other essential oil companies and I always come back to theirs since it’s high quality and my nose can tell the difference.

    If you need help ordering just let me know.

  15. Sea salt

    For a sore throat, dissolve quality sea salt (NOT toxic table salt) in hot water, then gargle every hour.

  16. Borax

    Boron is an element, borax is a mineral containing boron.

    Many people have healed their mold poisoning and other health issues using borax. I will be starting it soon, I’m just waiting to get baking soda as well.

    The borax works on mold poisoning and the baking soda works on digestive issues, but borax works on a myriad of issues, not just mold poisoning. Here’s a playlist if you wish to watch some videos.

    People take baths with it, brush their teeth with it, and people have healed eye issues (water and borax on a cotton pad).

    If you are in the US, you can buy the 20 Mule Team brand from your grocery store which is in the laundry aisle. Or this one from here on Amazon.

    For drinking it’s recommended you start off slow. Some people put it in hot water, hot lemon water, hot tea, or this person started out with 1/16 teaspoon Borax and 1/16 teaspoon Baking Soda split between two cups of mate’ green tea with half and half (or whatever fatty creamer you prefer). Then added honey on empty stomach and she said don’t eat for an hour.

    Then work up to 1/8 teaspoon of each for deep cleansing, but she split it between two cups of tea.

    She drank it at least 5 days a week for 3.5 months till her stools didn’t have Candida in them anymore.

  17. Charcoal

    For upset stomach issues or the stomach flu, I highly recommend activated charcoal.

    It is also used for detoxing mold, but it shouldn’t be used for more than a month.

    Coconut charcoal is easier on the gut, and try to get organic.

    Let me know how it goes. I like charcoal  even more than oregano oil.

    You only need a small amount (1/4 tsp) in a tall glass of clean, not toxic tap water.

    The oil of oregano I mentioned above is also great for stomachs.

    I also use the following to make a tea. Because you are making your own, it will need to be all loose tea.

    When buying tea, make sure it’s from a company that knows what they are doing.

    Tea should NEVER be stored out in the sunlight, because that degrades the tea. If they aren’t selling it stored in the dark bins or selling tea bags sealed away from sunlight, you know they don’t know what they are doing.

    The types of tea… Burdock root, Valerian, Chamomile and Lavender.

    With the last two, I use 1/2 a tsp. With the first two, I use just a pinch as they are very bitter.

    I put the loose tea in a tea steeper and pour very very hot water and let it steep for about 5-10 minutes before trying to drink it.

    It helps calm the stomach. I’ve been using it for years.

  18. Sound Therapy

    Also known as bioacoustic biology.

    Can help on an emotional level which will help you physically.

    Very interesting concept that I’m excited to take one day.

  19. Healing frequency tones

    You can read about them here. As of around the summer of 2021 I started really getting into them after zombies zapped me and nothing I took holistically helped.

    I got extreme inflammation for around 4 months on my feet, ankles and legs upto my knee. The frequencies on this page were the only things that helped me.

    I’m giving you what’s in my folder here. If you need something specific for a specific health symptom even if it’s for stress or issues with your brain (I don’t call them diseases), reach out to me to see if I have it.

  20. Grounding

    Sit outside with your bare feet flat on Mother Earth who has a HUGE healing energy, but the evils are trying to kill that by way of their 5G weapon.

    If you live near a clean body of water, lay near it and it should help to dissipate negative energy from your energetic body.

  21. Get sunshine

    There’s many reasons the evils are killing our sun, and this is just one of them. Our sun HEALS us and provides food for all plant life. No sun or less strong sun means the lack of that nutrient harms and kills us.

    This is also why they want us imprisoned indoors whether by working all the time or claiming there’s a boogeyman virus around WHEN THERE IS NOT. You can watch another video here or read this book here, on proof that viruses do NOT harm us. It’s ALL a lie and always has been. They needed to spread the lie to convince you to take their poisonous vaccines.

    And here’s a book that teaches you the REAL reasons for all of the evils’ fake diseases, and what REALLY made us or animals sick.

    Sun isn’t just about Vitamin D. You can watch this video to learn more.

  22. Oxygen Therapy

    Get yourself an oxygen tank and breath in clean oxygen. I’m not knowledgeable enough to tell you how much you should breath every hour or day, so you will have to research that on your own and then please email me to let me know. Thanks

    Most of  us don’t breath properly because we are in a state of fight, flight, or freeze mode, and so we don’t breath from our abdomen all the way up into our lung and breath out. Most people only breath with their lungs which isn’t the proper way of breathing, although you shouldn’t always force yourself to breath because it should come naturally.

    In fact, this breathing process is supposed to be very good although I’ve never tried it – Wim Hoff deep breathing. Here’s his channel.

  23. TV Shows

    Watch TV shows that are about love, happiness or comedy.

    The main reason we get sick is due to stress and unresolved trauma from our childhood.

    I have a list of alternative therapy courses if you are ever interested in healing yourself emotionally which is key to building our immune system and helping us overall with relationships, including the one we have with ourselves.

  24. Urine Therapy

    If you are ready to dip your toe (no pun intended) into Urine therapy, I highly recommend it. Read all about it here.

    I did detox for a few weeks, so some of you may experience tiredness and when I rubbed it on my stomach a week or less later I started to get pain in my stomach which scared me, but I plowed through it (someone else said they had the same issue) and it stopped within a week.

    Then I started to notice improvements.

    Not a ton, but gradually.

    It took me years to finally take the leap and get over my fears and only someone who reminded me of it and was gentle with me got me over my fears and got me more curious.

    Did you know you can disinfect cuts or even bites (snake, scorpion, etc. with your urine?)

    If you have any questions, just reach out to ask me on my Our Free Society site. I’m still not an expert on it, but I know a lot more than I did before, and you can start off just by doing foot baths with water.

So I hope this comprehensive list helps you feel better both emotionally and physically.

We all Deserve Health

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