Here is the story behind

The story behind http://www.nutraceutical.comWhile the story behind can’t be completely told here as there seems to be limited information online about the company, we will do our best to paint a picture.

This company started off in 1993 via Bain Capital, Inc. which was a Boston based private equity company.

At the time they were beginning to take note of the very divided nutritional supplements industry. The leader of Bain Capital was none other than Mitt Romney, the Mormon Republican who really tried to defeat Democratic Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts in 1994.

At this time Nutraceutical started buying up company after company. First it was Solaray, Inc. of Ogden, Utah in 1993.

They also joined the natural products industry in Utah that had been steadily growing. The six original Utah herbal companies were the first companies in the world to put herbs in capsules and they accounted for 85% of America’s herb business.

Overall, Utah became known as the ‘Silicon Valley of herbs’ which created an industry that produced more herbal supplements than even the trade of skiing.

Only some of the other Utah based herbal firms that started in the ’90s included Murdock Madaus Schwabe, Nature’s Herbs (part of Twin Labs), Nature’s Sunshine, Enrich International, USANA, NuSkin, Weider Nutrition, E’Ola, Morinda, and Neways. Many of them were multilevel marketing (MLM) companies, was not.

Nutraceutical continued to buy out many other herbal companies such as Premier One Products, Inc., a Nebraska corporation in October 1994.

In January 1995 they bought out a California based company, the makers of KAL, Inc.

In 1995 they also acquired Healthway Corporation, a company that dates back to 1958.

You can find out more of the story behind here in this article. That site doesn’t show the complete history behind the company, but it was what we could find on this elusive company.

The reason we are telling you this story, is because of the recent SHOCKING news one of our writers discovered. recently purchased ‘The Heritage Store’ in and around 2012.

If you don’t know what The Heritage Store is, we will give you a brief background…

This is a store that was an offshoot of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment.

After learning about Edgar Cayce back in around 1998, we were amazed at his life story and his holistic and spiritual accomplishments that were brought to light. This wasn’t a story just about natural remedies, but one that described how this one man had the ability to go into a trance, tap into the Universe (or G-D), and determine exactly when and how the person contracted the illness. He would then relay what the illness was called, and where the person should go to get the natural remedies to cure it. He was never consciously awake, so someone else had to write down every reading.

There are numerous books written about the man that you can find here. We can’t seem to find the one we read on his life story, but there are plenty others you can learn from.

Edgar Cayce is the one who taught us what an Osteopath was. Cranial Sacrial and Chiropractor actually stem from Osteopathy and we prefer Osteopaths to Chiropractors.

So how does this relate to you ask?

Well one of us first contacted Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E Association for Research and Enlightenment back around 1999 and purchased some of his readings. Later on we purchased two of his products. The first was his Egyptian massage oil which was absolutely WONDERFUL to smell and had numerous oils blended into it which amazed us since it was very powerful. We loved receiving a massage with it.

For many years we also purchased his gum treatment called Ipsab Herbal Gum Treatment. While it had a very bitter unpleasant taste to it, and was very dark in color, it did work.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago in September 2016, we purchased those two products from, had them shipped overseas as this is where one of is located. Once we received it, we came to realize after a week or two that we should have trusted our intuition when we first tried both products. There was something off on the smell of the Egyptian massage oil, and the gum treatment didn’t taste the same and was no longer dark brown in color.

One day we just happened to be reading the ingredients of the Egyptian massage oil only to be SHOCKED that it now contained mineral oil (which is toxic) and a lot of the previous oils had been removed from the product.

When calling The Heritage Store, we remembered that we were told that The Heritage Store had been sold to another company. We called back to speak to them after we figured out that both products’ formulas had been changed, and then found out that who had purchased the company was responsible for all of this.

Two things:

  1. If we had trusted before which we didn’t since we only vaguely heard their name in the past, we certainly will NEVER them trust going forward! In fact we asked them for a refund since iherb REFUSED to refund us and they wouldn’t refund us either. They offered us a credit to purchase something else, but obviously we don’t trust any of their products since they changed the natural formula to make their products UNNATURAL.
  2. Be very very careful what you are purchasing, because a product that you know and love and trusted to be high quality and all natural can be taken over by a HUGE corporation (maybe even a pharmaceutical corporation) and changed.

We will also no longer be buying anything from because they refused to refund the money or even accept or understand that the formula had been changed, and we couldn’t ship it back as it would have been too expensive and not worth the refund since we are overseas. We will continue to purchase from Vitacost since they honor all refunds, especially if something as horrific as this happened where the formula had been tampered with. We also notified Vitacost of the change with The Heritage Store.

We now have to look over our shoulder at EVERY turn to make sure what we are using today is the same product we purchased yesterday and this really upsets us that while society is making some progress in trying to overcome all the toxic products out on the market, it feels like we are taking two steps back because of all these HUGE corporations who are buying up companies and then ruining them.

We are also saddened about The Heritage Store, as it was Edgar Cayce’s legacy.


We Deserve Health

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