Ladies Are You Worried About Losing Your Hair?Have you ever had a nightmare in which you were balding? As women, we know that hair loss is a major concern and public embarrassment. Some hair loss is avoidable – but some isn’t. So just what causes hair loss? Can stress cause hair loss? What else can cause hair loss? Most importantly, what are the best hair loss products to use if you want to stop or reverse hair loss?

Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?

What makes female hair loss happen anyway? One thing is hormone imbalances. These can occur for a variety of different reasons.

  • Starting, stopping, or changing your birth control can affect your hormones
  • Giving birth to a baby affects your hormones and sometimes it does so in such a way that you lose hair
  • Hyper-thyroidism and hypo-thyroidism can both affect your hormones and cause hair loss
  • Certain medications can affect your hormones in such a way that they have a side effect of hair loss
  • Telogen effluvium, a form of alopecia, is an autoimmune problem that can cause hair loss.

People sometimes joke about being so stressed out they want to pull out their hair. There are even emoticons doing just that! Aside from altering your mood, stress-induced hormone changes can provoke certain health issues. But what about stress? Can stress cause hair loss? Yes, stress can cause hair loss, too.

One normal behavior that can cause hair loss is certain hairstyling. If you consistently pull your hair back in a tight style, it can cause hair loss. Also, genetics can play a role. Not only is there the infamous “male pattern baldness” but there is also inherited hair loss that affects women. Certain anxiety disorders can cause hair loss. For instance, in trichotillomania a person pulls out their own hair. Of course, certain obviously bad habits, like poor diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption can all lead to hair loss.

There Are Solutions That Work

problems with hairThe CEO and Founder of Evolution Hair Centers , William Gaunitz, has spent the past 10 years studying trichology, which is the technical word for the science of hair loss. Unfortunately, trichology has been studied less seriously in the US than it has been abroad. Fortunately, William is trying to change that. And, we women make up more than half of his clientele.

Women are probably more traumatized by hair loss than men. Our society and media is inundated with pictures of models with luscious locks of hair. Our hair is sometimes called our “crowning glory” and from a young age we’re taught to take care of our hair. We follow trends: long, dyed, short, styled, curly, and straight. A Tresemme survey recently noted that the average woman spends $800-$1,100 a year on her hair. Most of the common solutions for hair loss don’t actually address the underlying issue, though.

So what is the solution to the hair loss you’re experiencing? Evolution offers the best shampoos for hair loss.

Through consultations, Evolution will help discover the cause of your hair loss  after considering your overall health. Better health means healthier hair.

Michelle from We Deserve Health , has been studying the reasons for hair loss for almost 10 years and wants to help you. At her request, William has opted to offer you a 5% discount on your order. All you have to do is use “wedeservehealth” when checking out or placing your order via the phone. If you would prefer to have Michelle book the appointment for you , just e-mail her.

Don’t keep worrying about how to reverse hair loss. Do something to regenerate your hair today.


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