Disease is not what you think it is
Disease is not what most think it is – Re-Think Disease and Why someone gets sick.
This is a very good post probably from fakebook or maybe MeWe, and so I decided to post it here so we can all learn from it.
It discusses germ theory, Pasteur and his fake or stolen scientific findings, etc.
Don’t forget this thread that proves that viruses don’t exist.
So here we go… (I edited it only for style, not content)
“You Do Not ‘Catch’ Diseases”
If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat—diseased tissue—rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant. Rudolph Virchow (Father of Pathology)
When once you interfere with the order of nature, there is no knowing where the results will end.
Herbert Spencer
For one thing, bacteria and viruses tend to be “environment-specific.” That’s why some people get colds and others don’t. That’s why some survived the Bubonic Plague. That’s also why some doctors and nurses seem to be immune to disease even though they’re surrounded by it every day.
The Germ Theory has as many holes as a Swiss cheese, and it is likely that Pasteur knew it. But a little research shows us that Pasteur had a gift for PR. He rarely let his research keep him away from an opportunity to address royalty or medical society in the most prestigious university settings. He was quoted and published and offered practically every honorary title and chair in Europe. The records however not only cast suspicion, but seem to establish fairly clearly that Pasteur “borrowed” the research for some of his most famous discoveries, and then capitalized on the celebrity of being there first.
Before he died, Pasteur instructed his family not to release some 10,000 pages of lab notes after his death. Not until 1975, after the death of his grandson, were these “secret” notes finally made public. An historian from Princeton, Professor Geison made a thorough study of the lab notes. He presented his findings in an address to The American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston in 1993. Dr. Geison’s conclusions: Pasteur published much fraudulent data and was guilty of many counts of “scientific misconduct,” violating rules of medicine, science, and ethics.
Like Koch, Pasteur was very motivated by money. In the race for a vaccine for anthrax, for example, not only did Pasteur not test it on animals before using humans; it was also established that Pasteur actually stole the formula from a colleague named Toussaint. Unable to prove his claim at the time, Toussaint died a few months later of a nervous breakdown. (Hume)
There was a book published in 1932 that is still in print today: Bechamp or Pasteur? This book was written by E. Douglas Hume, who it turns out was actually a woman who had to disguise her name as male to get the book published. Hume chronicles a contemporary of Pasteur, Antoine Bechamp, the most respected researcher and teacher in France at the time, department head at the University at Lille.
Bechamp was too busy to be bothered with conventions and awards and politics. He was a professor and a researcher, and that took every moment of his time until his death at 93.
It was Bechamp’s view that it was not the bug that caused disease, but rather the condition in which bugs lived. Disease happens when an imbalance causes some of the more pathological that is, bad, bacteria to take over. What causes that? Low resistance, weak immune system. Seems like such a simple idea, but that is really the foundation of the whole controversy all along. In the end, everyone, even Pasteur, agreed that bugs – bacteria and viruses – do not alone cause disease.
As far as his Germ Theory goes, there was much opposition to it among many researchers of his own time. In a lecture given in London on 25 May 1911, M.L. Leverson, MD stated:
“The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth.
Also from the top medical journal Lancet, 29 Mar 1909, we find:
“Koch’s Postulates are rarely, if ever, complied with.”
The discoverer of the cell theory, Rudolf Virchow, with respect to the Germ Theory, commented simply:
“Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” Bieler, p 40
Virchow felt that the presence of germs identified the tissue as diseased, but was not the cause of disease. A weakened or diseased tissue may be a target area for micro-organisms, a hospitable environment in which they can set up shop. But that’s quite different from germs having caused the weakened state.
The same idea was graphically shown to Bechamp one day when an amputated arm was brought into his laboratory. As a result of a violent blow to a patient’s elbow, gangrene had set in within eight hours, and amputation was the only option. Bechamp immediately began to examine the severed limb using the microscope. To his amazement he found no bacteria in the gangrenous limb. After a few hours bacteria began to appear, but initially there were none. Bechamp’s associate, Professor Estor, thereupon remarked “Bacteria cannot be the cause of gangrene; they are the effects of it.” (Hume p 134)
Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.” E. Douglas Hume
Some 17 years before Pasteur, the most famous nurse in history, Florence Nightengale, put it like this:
“Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another. The specific disease is the grand refuge of the weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.” F.N. 1860
So are germs the cause of disease or aren’t they? Bechamp said that there was enough truth in that notion to make it seem reasonable at first glance. Sure we can sometimes identify certain types of bacteria in certain disease conditions. And it’s undeniable that organisms can be found rampant within populations suffering from epidemics and outbreaks, as Laurie Garrett describes in The Coming Plague.
*But consider this: what if many more people than those who actually get a disease have the “bug”? Usually the only people we test are the ones who get sick. So it looks like they’re the only ones who have the ‘causative’ organism in measurable amounts. From Pasteur to the present, there is an entire other point of view that has been supported: maybe the bad bugs are commonly present in many normal people, but only multiply out of control when allowed to because of a weak immune system. They’re harmless until they proliferate. This is a fundamental notion.
“Bacteria and parasites cannot cause disease processes unless they find their own peculiar morbid soil in which to grow and multiply.”
-Henry Lindlahr, MD – Founder of Lindlahr Sanitarium
In view of the overall failure of the one-drug-one-disease approach, it’s obvious there must be a bigger picture. So here it is: the body is poisoned year by year, leading to general toxemia (blood-poisoning.) The reasons are noted above: chemicalization of commercially available food, chemicalization of all medical drugs, and stressful toxic lifestyle. The body tries to detoxify itself by its normal processes of digestion and immune response. But it’s too big of a job; there are too many weird chemicals. Digestion is blocked. The blood stagnates. The white cells and antibodies can’t circulate. The colon backs up. And things breed. Favorable environments are created for the proliferation of normally harmless organisms. Result: disease. Totally different paradigm.
do bacteria cause disease? Definitely not always. What is always present in diseases? Answer: depressed immune system. With a healthy resilient immune system, disease is rejected, no matter how serious. J.H. Tilden, MD put it this way:
“Normal persons are deadly to all germs and parasites peculiar to the human habitat.”
Toxemia Explained
So putting these ideas together, a notion comes into focus so clear that even a lawyer could see it: soon we will be living in the Post-Antibiotic Era. The paramount issue in health and survival will then be the immune system. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, air pollution, processed food, white sugar, white flour, radiation, stress, and bad living will still be doing their number on that immune system. But it will be performing without a net, this time. On its own. What will people turn to in order to strengthen their immune system? Answer: Alternative Medicine, just like before all of this went down. Actually, it’s already started.
Ask your physician that one. Want to see a blank look? Ask your HMO doctor what he can give you to boost your immune system.
One reason things won’t be completely the same as they were in the pre-antibiotic age is that our knowledge of holistic therapeutics has deepened exponentially, sort of as a by-product of the advances in biomedical technology in the past 50 years. An increasing number of people are learning what it feels like to build up their immune system, their resistance to illness.
Once you’ve done that, even one time, you know you can overcome practically any health challenge out there by cleaning up your blood, simple detox, and following the basics. Taken as a whole complete self-regulating being, the body is simple and just needs a few things to maintain itself without disease, premature aging, or chronic poisoning. Things get complicated when the body is approached with what I call the Kragen Method – as in auto parts – meaning pretending that the body is simply a group of individual parts that can be treated in isolation from each other, one by one, like spark plugs and carburetors. Then we get into some heavy theorizing, dangerous chemical experimentation, and pathologically long words. Health then becomes a side issue, the focus is economic, and the patient becomes the mark. And this is the controlling philosophy in health care today.
You get a funny feeling, like an awakening, when it finally dawns on you that all this time scientific “research” has not really been progressing along with an intent to uncover deeper knowledge of nature or physical things, or to seek the truth, or to serve mankind, like they always say it is. Such altruism is carefully crafted and presented as the motivation for research, but the actual way it works may be quite different. It is not negativity or paranoia but rather the loss of naiveté that makes you realize that they don’t really want a cure for cancer or AIDS or infectious disease or the common cold or obesity or depression or any other illness. No, for these drive the industry. The game is pharmaceutical economics.
A Normal Life
Here is what a normal life should be like:
You’re born. You get no drugs and no vaccinations. During childhood you have the usual illnesses, but conservative treatment gets you through them without antibiotics or drugs, and you build your natural immune defenses. You don’t eat white sugar, white flour, too much meat or cheese, or drink milk or soft drinks. You concentrate on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and a clean, natural diet. You never learn to drink coffee or to smoke cigarettes. The only pills you take are powerful whole food vitamins and enzymes and minerals, which are part of your daily intake. You drink at least 1 liter of water every day. Into adulthood, you never get sick: no colds, no flu, no headaches, no diabetes, no ADD, no “thyroid problems,” no panic attacks, growing pains, fatigue, or digestive disorders, no high blood pressure. The only pains you experience come from accidental injury. Perhaps you do moderate exercise or sports activity to maintain mobility and general fitness. You look to the care of your spine. Your entire adulthood is spent in this disease-free mode. As you age, your mind gets sharper. You experience no arthritis or osteoporosis, no Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Finally one day after 90 or 100 years or even 120 yrs, you flicker like a candle and go out.
The above paragraph may be useful in choosing a doctor. Some will say all this is impossible; which for them is true. So don’t choose them. All this is possible; moreover, thousands and thousands of people are living it. So listen only to those who can help you achieve such a condition of living health. Because now we’ve arrived at the threshold of a time when good health and a powerful immune system are not only advisable; they are the very determinants of survival.
Now do your own research and open your eyes to the truth about ‘disease’ and ‘virus’s'”
End of her piece
So some things I have questions about or don’t agree with
- How do we know there was a bubonic plague? In fact so far in this whole nightmare I haven’t heard anyone talk about it other than just now.
- Dawn and David and others say there is no such thing as an immune system, only organs or cells or whatever that are not working properly.
- Here’s the list of poisons that the evils poison us with.
- Here’s another page full of evidence that viruses and even bacteria, don’t create illness.
- This person thinks the only reason they are harming us is due to money. That tells me they aren’t a truther and they don’t know that their MAIN reason is to kill off people by first making them suffer because, like the luciferians that they are, they enjoy the high they get when we suffer. The money is just an added bonus for them.
- She doesn’t understand, just like with viruses, there’s NO AIDs. Doing drugs and eating poorly will give you the symptoms, but it’s not a disease. Watch this.