More about our Minds

These are a series of videos that talks about our abilities as humans to control our minds. It also starts to delve into how we create our own illnesses. While it discusses quantum physics, it goes even deeper than that. Enjoy   We Deserve Health  

Where to buy good health products

Get your discount for an  online health food stores below… I’ve been studying natural holistic health since around 1996. Actually I was starting to get into health even a few years prior to that, but I was so naive, that I would buy my products from a drug store. I would later find out that … Read more

High Intensive Training

High Intensive Training

High Intensive Training Exercises High Intensive Training (HIT) is the new “norm” for getting rid of body fat and helping your heart. Several Exercises Below are several exercise combinations you can try and they all take less time than your traditional exercise routines that don’t produce the same or as many results. Once you get … Read more

The World’s Healthiest Women

From pouring on the olive oil like the Greeks to slashing stress like the Scandinavians, what we can learn from the happiest, slimmest, longest living cultures around the globe. By Valerie Frankel The secret to a long, healthy life in America? According to longevity researchers, it may be to act like you live somewhere else. … Read more